You'll have to forgive how my response here is a bit delayed, but I wanted to afford it some deliberation.
First of all, I would address your incredulity. Perhaps it is incredible to you, but to many of us it becomes very apparent.
You speak of a peaceful end to capitalism, and I believe this betrays your perspective. Because how precisely do you have a peaceful end to a system that manufactures domestic abuse, sexual violence, poverty, homelessness, illness, military dictatorships, internment camps and sweatshops?
Must be a very interesting peace indeed. This is why it is not very incredible to me, nor to the world majority I should add, that Marxism is so important.
Because in my years as a minister and an active communist I have had to counsel refugees, abused women, homeless people, drug addicts and the many wretched of the earth that become airbrushed from your premise of incredulity. The many wretched of the earth who become a blurry backdrop to your notion of peace.
You talk about the murder of millions, and if you want to know the murder of millions, then examine the statistics of UNICEF on a New Year's Eve. Examine how your high minded rhetoric makes the victims of capitalism docile, and enables their slaughter to continue each year.
How the manufacturing of poverty is the deadliest weapon humanity has ever produced, and how many its scythe reaps each year, as it is swung through the necks of entire populations, spanning continents.
Your peace is premised on victimhood in preference to rebellion, but I would rather the downtrodden fight back in a war, than to resign themselves to your pacifism where their many graves will afford you your comforting silence.