So for the last century, a lot of people, and by a lot of people I mean a lot of unpatriotic cowards, have opposed military conscription. But, truth of the matter is, military conscription is good. It is the most honourable thing a military can do. Why? Because if your nation goes to war, then you better be willing to die for it.
A lot of leeches want to have their cake and eat it too, to get all the benefits of a military industrial complex without any of the costs. They figure that people who are poorer and more desperate than them should die for their cheap gas prices or whatever else. Imperialism is built on volunteer armies, because it means that the cowardly upper classes can drink the blood of the poor, both in their own nation, and that of their subjugated victims abroad.
If you don’t want war, then prove it; Support conscription. Stake your life on peace. No more beatnik hypocrisy, prove that you will put your money where your mouth is. If war comes, then make every effort to end it through peaceful democratic reform, and if that’s not possible, then you’re in luck! The state has provided you with the mandatory training needed to overthrow your leaders.
If you think you are better than violence, then I apologise, but you chose the wrong species. You are not exempt from reality, at most you can defer this reality to a corner of the world that is more miserable than yours. For every safe step you take, another steps on a landmine.
Moreover, mandatory military service provides vital skills in survival, endurance and socialisation. It creates a national character of shared ethics, tradition and solidarity. It also produces egalitarianism, as the uniform permits the unity of ethnicities, cultures, religions and languages. It creates a shared spirit, and determination.
It turns the people into a capable army, and gives the state a good reason to serve such a people. A docile and pathetic people create a docile and pathetic democracy, in which every inconvenience and hardship of resistance is met with the wide eyed fear of a housebroken dog.
The reason why so many western powers have slimy and corrupt politicians is because they address an audience of civilians. Conscription would radically alter this, as they will then address what may become their own personal firing squad. It is only through this strength of the people, that politicians will find it in their best interest to behave themselves.
The abolition of conscription was in many ways the abolition of democracy, as it created a penned in and meekened public who were alienated from their own determination, and their own capacity to produce political power.
I have no doubts that there are sadly many people who see cowardice as a virtue, who would rather be a domesticated animal rather than an upright human being, who will shun dignity in exchange for comfort, and such is a tragic condition. However all that is lost can once more be gained, and a good way to do so would be to take back our military from the clutches of NATO private contractors and US-backed compadores.
Europe will never know democracy until we kick out the American invader, and to do so, we must regain martial authority over our countries. Until that day, our economy will be dictated by bankers in Brussels and Germany, and our elections will be dictated by IMF stipulations written in Washington.
We will be plundered and regulated by US trade agreements that put in bylaws designed to crush our labour unions, safety standards and political candidacy. The Americans only speak one language, and by stealing our military capacity, they have rendered us mute.
All over the world, from Latin America, all the way to Asia, people are rising up against the American empire, and today we stand a chance to do so with relatively small amounts of violence. But if we let the tentacles of this leviathan choke us any more with its tentacles, then Yugoslavia will not be the exception; It will be the rule. America made its decree very clear: If you disobey the IMF, then your nation will burn, and your people will starve.
We know this lesson from history, because the US was involved in another scheme, namely the Munich agreement. “Go east, and you have our blessing.” This was what they told Hitler. But did it end in the east? It did not.