It's not your fault by any extent of the imagination. In fact, there is a kind of paradox to unemployment. If the economy is getting worse, and things begin to crumble. Then in any logical system that means you need MORE workers. There's stuff to repair, to rebuild, to maintain. People need to eat, they need to fill potholes, they need clean clothes, the list is endless.
In a human economy there's no such thing as a redundant worker. But in capitalism, where the profit in fixing stuff? Where's the profit in helping people or being useful? Even if those things have value, they cannot be turned into profit. One vital thing to understand there is the difference between economic value and economic profit.
The Egyptian pyramids, packed with gold and treasures and ancient artefacts are extremely valuable. But they're also not very profitable. They can't be used as a commodity in the market, even if all those treasures could easily be used as resources by a civilisation.
So what I'm getting at is that I doubt it's your fault. I doubt you did anything wrong. I bet you have skills and experience that permit you to give value to society, in whatever form that might be. The only people to blame here are the gatekeepers who ask "Oh yeah? But what's in it for me?"