I am a Marxist-Leninist, I celebrate victory day each year, I read Lenin and Stalin, and Ho Chi Minh, my father taught me about Marxism before I was old enough to ride a bicycle. I can't speak Russian, but I still know the lyrics to Katushya from memory. I am aware of the profit motive, and precisely what the solution is.
You build democracy through worker's organisations, then the state will consider you a threat, at which point you defend yourself. If you win, then you get to try to build a society, encircled by the most vicious enemies history has to offer.
The meaning and effects of the profit motive is easily summed up to fascism, by what happens when the ruling classes of a liberal society feels threatened. By the 30 million who lost their lives to the Barbarossa decree. The solution is to fight tooth and nail down to the very last man, and pray to God for a miracle.
And if you are very lucky, then perhaps you win, and then maybe the next generation will have a better chance. The solution is very simple, but nobody wants to step up and risk absolutely everything. To see precisely what cards that the wealthy hold so very close to their chest.