Do you know what I realised about the synthetic left? They exist to regulate public consciousness away from topics about class and Marxist critiques, and the key to dealing with their social road blocks is to just drive right through them. Every time they cancel you, double down, every time they try to shut you up, speak louder. Every time they hate you for being working class, ignore them.
All their power is an illusion, and the working majority is always on your side.
This is why they are attempting to reintroduce so many disgusting ideas into the public consciousness.
When they talk about how incest or bestiality or necrophilia should be a human right, that’s a desperate ploy to get people to stop discussing things like history, philosophy, trade unions and civil rights, and so on. Just ignore them, don’t state the obvious, don’t even debate it.
When Foucault and Derrida were desperate, they openly advocated for legalised pedophilia. The more gross and weird they become, the more they are acknowledging the success of the working class.
In the US, this is typified by the Frankfurt School. Yes, Neo-Nazis make up conspiracies about them, but truth is that the Frankfurt School has for the most part been a good friend to Nazism.
They exist to create a controlled opposition of antifascism, to make sure antifascism becomes a paramilitary wing of Liberalism rather than Marxism. It is the antifascism of west Germany as opposed to east Germany; The far superior Germany.
In fact let’s take a break here and listen to Auferstanden Aus Ruinen.
A single sentence of the lyrics in this song is more educational about how to combat fascism than all the works of Horkheimer’s entire career.
Turns out that fascists actually fight for the same thing breadtube does: Namely money.
That’s why Breadtube loves to talk about how working class people all have some secret patriarchal urge to dominate the feminine spirit of the ludosexual vegetarian proto-lesbian postpsychological hindbrain or whatever the fuck. It’s all bullshit to hide the truth: Breadtube, Frankfurt School, Brownshirts, they are all working for the same bottom line. They are all beholden to the market forces of capitalism, and none of them can bite the hand that feeds them.
Fascism is a contingent of liberalism and especially social democracy, so it’s not that far fetched to see how all three groups have shared interests. They all want a weak working class, they all want a political aristocracy, they all want a rigid class structure.
The moment the working class gains democratic power, the liberal status quo employs fascism as its loyal mercenaries. Everyone from Coco Chanel to Henry Ford were perfectly content with liberalism until the labour unions got stronger and their profits were threatened by economic crisis.
The job of fascism is to move the wealth of the people into the hands of the rich.
The job of liberalism is to move the wealth of the people into the hands of the rich.
The job of social democracy is to move the wealth of the people into the hands of the rich.
From the Holocaust, to the Uppsala Institution, to Jim Crow, they all do the same thing in the end. They uphold the exact same class structure.
And the job of the synthetic left is to keep the workers docile, to point at the fascists and proclaim “Hey, look at these reactionary genocides, don’t you wanna join the trendy and hip woke genocides? Why hate Jews when you can hate the Chinese? We’re the cool kids on the bloc, with the fresh and modern white supremacy.”
So what do we do? We stop existing within their domain, we ignore them, we refuse to engage with their anti-intellectual dichotomies and culture wars. Just because they put in a nose ring and call themselves “””queer””” doesn’t mean it’s okay to pick up chicks at the graveyard I’m sorry to say, ignore this “discourse.” They are animals, animals belong in cages, not forums. Be dogmatic, dogmatism moves history forward.
Be dogmatic about sex criminals, be dogmatic about antisemitism, be dogmatic about informed consent, be dogmatic about all these principles. If someone wants to debate about whether or not it’s okay to abuse animals, tell them to fuck off before you call the police. Do not be open minded, open-mindedness is the crack pipe of intellectualism.
And instead, we endeavour to build a higher consciousness. We move forward, we begin to talk about science, engineering, infrastructure, philosophy (real philosophy, not Bohemian postmodernism and the NAMBLA freaks), history, and so on. We discuss real and interesting topics, we elevate life.
Synthetic left hates working class people and working class culture, they will slander and lie about all our achievements. We are the class who beat the Nazis, we are the class who travelled to space, we are the class who have cured the most illnesses, saved the most refugees, ended the most wars and built the most nations. We have nothing but pride in our history.
Meanwhile these progressive intellectuals forget their own history, how the progressive position used to be phrenology when working class people joined the wobblies and fought the klan. They forget how the progressive position used to be eugenics and workhouses when working class people joined the red army and fought Hitler.
They forget how the progressive position used to be that Africans needed the guidance of civilised whites, while the working class joined the patriots of Paris and New England with the promise of abolition and indigenous peoples’ equality.
They forget how they are the vanguard of assholes. How they are the anchor that is tied to the intellectual tradition of workers. We are more educated, more conscious, more intellectual and far more honest.
This is because we are not paid and funded by institutions who seek to preserve the shared status quo of fascists and liberals alike.
Down with breadtube, down with liberal academia, down with the bourgeois intelligentsia. Build your own intellectual tradition, educate yourself, talk among your fellow workers, discuss higher ideas and dignify yourselves in the light of philosophy, history and virtue.
Do not crawl at the feet of people who hate you, do not listen to the synthetic left. Exclude them, refute them, denounce them, draw a bold line between us and them, make sure that they are not welcome, that they are not trusted, and that if they want to be animals, then they can go to the zoo.
Build yourself up, and do not fall for their degrading schemes.