Christianity is not about creating, it is opposite, it's about atrophy. To die well. Life is limited, and we do not have much time. The world is traumatic, difficult, and hard to reconcile. We see injustice, we see selfishness, we see unfairness. In all of this you must learn what the nature of dignity and grace is. How to find peace, joy and purpose in a world that attempts to rob you of such things.
The dangerous thing about the world is that the rewards for selfish and cruel behavior are obvious, but the rewards for decency and kindness are not always so easy to see. To give to someone who has nothing to give in return might seem selfless, whereas the favor of power and influence might seem more transactional.
This is what Christian faith is about. It is inherently irrational, it contradicts all logical notions offered to us. When you side with the poor against the rich, then you are denying the world and embracing the spirit. This is what our higher nature is. To die for what is good, rather than to live for what isn't.