Bored? Here’s a list of things I enjoyed watching recently. (Links included.)

5 min readJul 9, 2021


This article took me two weeks to make, because I have been compiling all the things I’ve watched as to permit others to do the same, in chronological order.

Wait, no, not chronological, anagnositological. Turns out there’s no word for the inverse of chronology, IE: Order of reading as opposed to order of writing, so I invented this word. Anagnositological. Comes from the Greek “anágnosi”, which means “read.”

Anagnositological order: The order in which something was read. Antonym to chronological, which is the order in which something was written or narrated.

NOTE: Some links require uBlock Origin to be viewed safely.

Also to all my blind readers: I won’t include alt text on the pictures in this article because they’re all just standard promotional images with the titles and main characters, so I’d be basically repeating what I’m writing in the main sections.

Man of Men

Anyhow, first on the things I watched was a wonderful Korean film called Man of Men in English. You can see it with subtitles here. I recommend English 2, that’s the best subtitle track for English.

It’s a film about life, death, friendship and sacrifice. Very philosophical, it does well to honour the Korean tradition of performative arts.

Sin City

Finally got around to watching it.

Impressive cinematography, underwhelming story, overplayed gimmicks. A bit like Bladerunner I suppose. Sort of shit but people give you a hard time if you admit it.


This show gets a lot of crap from woke people for not “accurately representing” autistic people.

Good thing it’s a sitcom and not a fucking documentary. It’s a good programme, and I like it a lot. It has a kind of homespun and innocent charm to it that reminds me of my early childhood before my dad died. For most of my life I’ve never really had a family, my family was torn apart by poverty and alcohol, but this programme takes me back to those first few years of my life when I had some semblance of innocence and safety.

Rick and Morty

Now this. THIS is a show that knows how to accurately represent autistic people. Rick Sanchez is one of the most accurate depictions of someone with Asperger’s syndrome since Sherlock, and I caught the new series just the other day.

(Seriously we’re exactly like that.)

Kim’s Convenience

I will always enjoy a good TV show about immigrants, because I’m an immigrant and we’re all in cahoots, the racists were right about that one I’m sorry to say. We’re always plotting let me tell you.

Anyhow, this is another good bit of Korean entertainment.

Scream Queens

This show is actually really compelling. A really fresh and character-driven take on the slasher genre. It’s weird, it’s jarring, it’s got lots of drama, the characters are toxic and yet sympathetic. It’s just good horror.

And looking it up to get a good picture, I just learned it’s from the creators of Glee. No wonder they do such a good job writing convincing sociopaths.

Why Women Kill

Why indeed. Turns out there’s some valid reasons. This murder drama follows three women in three different stories, two of which are good, in order to find out just why they end up having to kill someone.

Resident Alien

Resident Alien is just amazing from the get go. Excellent comedy. Equal parts morbid, and exciting, and tense, and the main character just has you stuck to the screen the whole time. Big recommend.

The Great

You know how liberal progressives claim that “degenerate” is a bad word because of its eugenic connotations? This periodic drama reminds you that royals exist, and how there are very few other ways of describing them so very accurately.

It’s a black comedy that doesn’t play for edge, it keeps things in that perfect balance between bleak and intriguing, I liked it a lot although it does contain some sensitive themes.

And that’s coming from someone who recommended you a show where someone gets decapitated by a lawnmower three titles ago.

I do enjoy seeing a English production accurately depicting the Russian tsardom for a change, they were backwards and inbred antisemites and it gets tiring how the English keep pretending otherwise just because their country is owned by the same family.

That’s all I got, hope you enjoy. Salut!

I almost wrote “slut” instead of “salut.” Good thing I decided to try out proofreading today.




Written by Vince

International man of mystery.

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